Wednesday 17 March 2010

Evaluation of film magazine front cover

· In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I have done extensive research on film magazine front covers, as well as discovering the codes and conventions of music magazines throughout the course of the research i conducted for AS. The Masthead, "Reel" is a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector. Also, the word mirrors the significant number of genres discussed in the magazine as it has so many different meanings. This masthead establishes the genre of magazine instantly as it is a recognised word associated with film. There is also an image surrounding the masthead to again establish the genre.

Unconventionally, the main image does not obscure the masthead, this is due to the masthead's vibrance and importance. The image loses no significance through this choice of layout as it is the only image to appear on the front cover. The strap lines are aesthetically pleasing as they are all either blue or white which follows conventions of the film magazines I have researched. The main sell line, “Sleep tight” is the largest strap line and is most appealing to the reader as it has an unconventional and eerie font which mirrors the content within the film and establishes it as the main feature of the magazine.

The main image maintains a gaze which creates a connection with the reader and is a convention of a real magazine front cover. The protagonist of the feature film appearing on the front cover is also a convention I have noticed. However, it is usually a male that is used to appeal to the readers interest as film magazines have a majority male audience.

Overall, the layout, colour scheme and main image all follow the conventions of real film magazines. It is the film itself that challenges conventions. The protagonist being female for one; but also the way in which the female is presented as a threat not a sex symbol. This will attract a female orientated audience which contradicts the conventional audience targetted.

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