Thursday 15 April 2010

The Technological Process

The editing process took place using Adobe Premiere software, which is a high quality film making software used by professionals in the industry.
Within our promotional device we used a number of different effects using the software. These included:

Continuity Editing
This is editing in a manner that shots flows smoothly without jarring compositional or spatial inconsistencies.

The Cutaway
A cutaway is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of
something else. It is usually followed by a cut back to the first shot.
Probably its most common uses in dramatic films are to adjust the pace of the main action, or to conceal the deletion of some unwanted part of the main shot.

The Dissolve
A dissolve is a gradual transition from one shot to another. Traditionally this effect was created by controlled double exposure from frame to frame to create a new piece of film with the transition from the end of one clip to the beginning of another exposed on it.

The Fade to black
This is a visual transition between shots or scenes that appears on screen as a dissolve into black followed by a brief interval with no picture. Often fades are used to indicate a change in time and place. This device was heavily used in our trailer as it had a non-linear sequence and fade to blacks are a common feature in horror trailers.

The Jump cut
A cut that creates a lack of temporal continuity
by leaving out a part of the action.

Making the DVD

For one particular shot in our trailer, we created a television broadcast which i believe showed great attention to detail. We recorded our character of the newsreader, we then took a picture of an authentic crime scene. We then transferred both mediums onto Adobe premiere. We transferred the picture onto the shot of the newsreader, we then added scrolling text and the time as would appear on a real broadcast. We transferred this shot onto a dvd and recorded it with the female protagonist and her on-screen mother watching it.

The Music

Unfortunately the process of finding a peice of music appropriate for the intensity in our trailer has been a difficult one. We managed to find a rock peice which suited our trailer perfectly,(Evanescence-Bring Me To Life), however the music was copyright. Therefore we began to search for copyright free music. To imitade the previous peice of music, we looked for a classical peice of music to begin the sequence, contrasted with a heavy rock peice to use at the watershed of the trailer.

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