Thursday 3 December 2009

Analysis of the teaser trailer for "Jeepers Creepers"

The first of three trailers I will be analysing is the teaser trailer for "Jeepers Creepers". This particular trailer was selected as it is a horror film, in which we recreated a scene from in our previous tasks.

  • The trailer establishes the genre of the film as horror effectively. The first shot shows a car driving, the establishing shot emphasises the isolated setting which is a stereotypical characteristic in a horror film. This also shows the vulnerability of the characters.
  • Eerie music is Incorporated to establish the genre and capture the audiences attention. Non-diegetic sound of a heartbeat is used to coincide with the fact pace editing.
  • During the beginning of the trailer, a shot of the "monster" is used. This creates an enigma early on but doesn't allow the audience to see it properly, maintaining the mystery. A crane shot of a church cross is used to incorporate religious connotations which emphasises the supernatural within the film.
  • The trailer effectively targets an audience. The titles used are written in the 2nd person, this means the audience become involved in the promotion of the film by metaphorically putting themselves in the positions of the main characters.
  • The teaser trailer lasts 1 minute 24 seconds, and has 31 shots including titles. It has a linear structure which means each shot chosen for the trailer are in chronological order, which creates a montage of scenes from the beginning, middle and end of the film. In addition, the linear structure means the narrative of the film is more easily grasped.
  • The trailer uses mainly fade to black transitions as well as dissolves.
  • Dialogue isn't used in this particular teaser trailer, perhaps this is to emphasise the characters confusion? However they do scream, this emphasises the fear within the film.
  • The majority of shots used are fast pace mid-shots.
  • The trailer uses the conventional aspect of using the disruption of the equilibrium from the film in the trailer, this is essential in promoting the film as it reveals the films dramatic appeal.

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