Friday 4 December 2009

Imaginary Film Synopsis

Sleep Tight

A 17 year old girl called Libby is a regular student with a normal life, until she begins to have unusual dreams. One night she has a dream about one of her classmates getting abducted and murdered in a forest she lived close to. She woke up and went to school that day, to find a media storm about the classmate’s death. Obviously she was disturbed by this but kept the frightening dream to herself.
Two weeks passed and Libby’s life returned to normal, until one night she encountered a similar dream about a teacher’s daughter experiencing an excruciating death. Once again, she arrived at school to find her dream had come true; the teacher’s daughter was dead. This time Libby knew it wasn’t a coincidence, she confides in her mother who dismissed the problem, saying it was down to Libby’s grieving. Libby, however was increasingly disturbed by her dreams and had a feeling she was controlling these tragic events. Libby became terrified of sleeping and worried herself to a crazed state of mind, begging her parents to help her. Finally, her parents take her to see a psychiatrist who prescribes her sleeping pills and tells her to stop thinking and reading about the deaths.
However, after begrudgingly taking the sleeping pills, Libby experiences another nightmare. She begins to have a dream about her little sister; a crazed shadow in her dream abducts her from her bedroom and takes her to the same forest she had seen before in her dreams. Her sister screams for help but Libby is asleep and powerless, she dreams about the “abductor” preparing to hang her sister by tying a rope around a tree. In Libby’s distress she falls out of bed and awakes. She runs to the forest, knowing the nightmare was real. As she arrives at the scene, she hears her sister scream and sees her drop with a noose around her neck to her death. Libby blacks out. The film cuts to a scene of Libby in a mental hospital that her parents admitted her to shortly after her sisters death. Libby is now the prime suspect of the murders as she was the only person seen at the death of her sister, and her fingerprints had been found on the rope.
That night, Libby has the most disturbing nightmare yet. She dreams about a stranger inside the mental hospital coming to murder her, in desperation she tries to escape from the hospital. In a panic, Libby sneaks into the staff kitchen and sets fire to the hospital, knowing it was the only way to free her. She runs to the forest by her house, the exact place where the deaths had all happened. There is a noose hanging from a tree. She stares at it for a while, whilst having flash backs from each murder. In the flash backs, she sees herself preparing for and killing the 3 girls. In a mental craze, she ties herself in the noose and finally hangs herself.

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